IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for [domain name] is not SPAM
Yes, the email “IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for. . .” this a legitimate request from your domain name provider. It is, in fact, required as part of the WHOIS regulations introduced by Internet Corporation of Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN). ICANN is a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. Ultimately, ICANN coordinates and regulates all domain names.
For Agate Fire Creative customers the immediate verification email will come from, supported by our domain partner, It will have the following email subject: “IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for [domain name]“. This email contains a confirmation link, Click here to verify your email address. It is important for you to click on the link to verify your contact information. Emails will look similar to this:
When is this email triggered?
This IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for. . . email is sent when a new domain is registered or if an edit is made to either of the following Registrant contact fields:
- Registrant First Name
- Registrant Last name
- Registrant Email Address
What happens if I fail to complete the verification?
Newly registered domains must be verified within 14 days and existing domains must be verified within 7 days. Failing to complete the verification process within the required timeframe will result in the suspension of the registered domain(s).
A suspension means that the website and email service associated with the domain will stop working. You will see a page with a notice about ICANN’s RAA Registrant Verification Process and instructions to verify your contact.
For a domain that has been verified previously, if you don’t verify, the website/email will continue to work. There won’t any negative impact. The pending change to registrant information, however, won’t go through and will revert to the previous setting.
How do I restart the verification?
If the previous verification timed out, the new contact info won’t be applied. You can change the contact info again to restart the verification. If needed please contact us to resend the verification email or restart the process.