Domain Name Management

We have partnered with Enom to provide a Domain Management Access portal ( so our domain owners can carry out basic domain management tasks.   

Please note: This control panel cannot be used to renew or transfer a domain. Domain renewal invoices are sent annually, if you have questions or wish to renew your domain ahead of time or transfer your domain, please submit a support ticket.

1. How to access Domain Management Portal?

  1. Visit
  2. Supply your domain name (without the www) in the domain field
  3. Enter your password
  4. Verify your humanity with reCaptcha
  5. Click the Login

2. How do I request a password reset so I can log in?

  1. Supply your domain name (without the www) in the domain field
  2. Leave the password field blank
  3. Complete the reCaptcha
  4. Click the Login button
  5. An error message will appear near the top of the page:
  6. Click the link titled Click here.  A password reset email will be sent to the email address listed as the registrant of record for the domain. If you do not know what that address is, you can search via a whois lookup.  Alternatively, check all the email addresses that could be the registrant email for the domain to see if the password email arrived.
  7. If you run into any login issues, do not remember or have changed your email please submit a support ticket for further assistance. ** We cannot recover your password; however, we can manually reset your password.
Enom domain management password reset

3. How do I modify name servers, host (zone), MX records, or forward my website?

Nameservers can be changed under the DNS Information section.  If you have custom name servers entered in this section, you will not be able to modify the Host Records section nor the SRV host records section. 

Domain management DNS nameserver changes

Nameserver changes take 24 to 48 hours to take effect.  After updating nameservers or zone records, you might be able to see the changes by visiting your website from a different network.  You can do so by turning off wifi on your phone to be switched to the cellular network.  Visit the site from your phone to see the changes.   If nothing changed, you will have to wait 24 to 48 hours.

Host records can be changed under the Host Records, SRV Host Records, and Email Settings section only if you are using the default nameservers.  To remove an entry, simply delete the values for that entry.  Host record changes take about 15-30 minutes to take effect.  Again, if you have custom nameservers this setting is controlled within your hosting account cPanel. If you host your website with Agate Fire Creative login to your cPanel here.

How do I change my domain registrant contact info? 

Once logged in click “Contact Information“, just above your domain name on the top-left side the page.

You will then be able to edit Registrant / Administrative / Technical / Billing contacts. All fields on any of the contact information sections are required, excluding Fax Number. Title/Role is a required field if the Organization is supplied, and vice-versa. Otherwise, these are optional fields.  

Please note, when you modify any of the following four fields for the Registrant contact: first name, last name, organization name, and email address, a window will pop up asking if you want to “Enable 60-day transfer lock”  Please make sure this is unchecked so your domain is not locked for 60 days.  A locked domain can not be transferred out.  Once locked, the lock can not be removed but will unlock by itself after 60 days.  This lock is different from the regular domain lock.

If you make a change that requires verification, a notice will appear under the domain name and this will trigger 1-2 emails that will be sent to you and will require action on your part.  The notice will remain there until the verification process times out or is canceled.

RAA Registrant Verification Process

New domain registrations, change in first name, last name, or email address for the Registrant will trigger the RAA verification process. Changing just the organization name will not trigger the verification process but a change notice will go out to the registrant email.

The verification emails will go to the NEW email address. Please check your inbox, filter and spams folder for the following emails:

  1. Email Subject: Set your data use consent preferences
  2. Email Subject: IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for [domain name]

The changes will not be reflected on your domain name until the RAA email verification and consent have been processed.

We discuss these emails in more depth in these blog articles. Hint: Yep, they are both legitimate and important.

Loma Nelson

Loma channels her experience and creative energy into all things WordPress. As a designer, she brings a strong sense of aesthetics and user experience to her creations. When not immersed in client projects, Loma can be found paddling the Wisconsin lakes and rivers in her sunburst orange kayak with her husband and Golden Retriever. Oh, and she was born a YOOPER, eh!

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